dog sitting infront of plums
Can dog eat plums
No, No, dogs should not eat plums. While the flesh of the plum is safe in small amounts, the pit contains cyanide, which is toxic to dogs. Additionally, the high sugar content can cause gastrointestinal upset.

Reddit Community Discussion

In the r/dogs subreddit, dog owners discuss the dangers of plums, emphasizing the importance of keeping dogs away from the fruit and its pit. You can find more about the discussion by visiting r/dogs

famous celebrity pet owner

Jessica Alba has spoken about keeping her pets safe from toxic foods, including plums.

Toxic Foods for Dogs: A Guide

This study discusses various foods that are toxic to dogs, including the dangers of plum pits. Read out more about the Toxic Foods for Dogs: A Guide

Potential Risks and Precautions

Dogs with specific health concerns should avoid all forms of plum, especially if they are prone to digestive issues.